Tuesday, June 19, 2012

2 weeks old!

We had the boys 2 week check up and Madelynn's 2.5 year check up this morning. We managed to get all four kiddos up, fed, dressed and out the door and we were only 5 mins late to the appointment! Thankfully my mother in law was here to help. Not sure we would have been so successful had it just been Dan and I!

Maddy was a great big sister and a brave girl at the appointment. She is growing and "perfect" according to our doctor. She is also incredibly proportionate as her height, weight and BMI are all in the 30th percentile. She looked so cute standing on the scale for her height and weight!

The boys were deemed "perfect" as well. They were all champs in the weight gain department and all 3 are on the growth chart for term babies! I think someone forgot to tell them that they are preemies! The doctor did note that she thinks Garrett is developing a hemangioma on the side of his chest, so we may end up with a way to tell them apart. Best news of the appointment was that we no longer have to wake them up in the middle of the night to feed them. We are allowed to let them wake us to eat, which I'm sure they will, but we may actually get to sleep more than 2 hours at one time. We shall see how that goes.

2 weeks old:
Daniel - 5 lbs 14 oz, 19.25 inches
Ryder - 4 lbs 12 oz, 17.75 inches
Garrett - 6 lbs, 19 inches

Ryder is so close to 5 lbs! We were told to go ahead and start letting them nurse at feedings instead of pumping and giving it in a bottle. I'm not sure I'm ready to tackle 2 at once yet, so for now I'll let one nurse and then pump so that the other boys still get milk. We will continue to supplement as well, just so they keep gaining weight like they have been.

In other news, we had the boys' pictures taken on Saturday. They all cooperated fairly well and we got some really cute poses. I can't wait to see the finished product. I will share the link once they are finished!

We went to church on Sunday. It was so nice to be out of the house! Even though everyone flocked to see the boys, they also kept their distance and no one tried to touch them. Phew! The boys slept great through the service and woke up only long enough to eat. It was definitely nice to be out and the boys didn't seem too thrown off by it, so we may try it again next week.

Otherwise we are all doing well and are loving spending time with the boys! Maddy is home with us this week, and she is being so good. She gets to go to the Zoo and maybe even HersheyPark this week! I hope she has a blast!

2 week old cuteness...

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