Friday, May 11, 2012

As normal as can be with triplets (31w 4d)

We had our weekly appointment today. They decided to wait until next week to do growth, so I was bummed about that! I want to know how big these boys are getting. Today they tried to confuse the sonographer bc they were all in different positions than last time. After looking a few times we are pretty sure we had it correct. A was head down/transverse on the bottom. B was transverse with his feet on the left and head on the right. C was transverse/breech with his head under B's chest and his feet down toward A's head. They were quite the pile up today! As far as the biophysical profile, the AFI and the Dopplers - everything on EACH boy was normal! Baby B may be finally getting his act together because his umbilical artery wasn't even borderline abnormal this week!

The prenatal visit went well also. My blood pressure was really good, my urine is clean and I can still see my ankle bones, so the swelling is in check. They drew preeclampsia labs today, but just as a precaution. They said they expect them to come back normal, but because of being pregnant with triplets I am at a higher risk for developing atypical preeclampsia, so they just want to be proactive.

This has also been my first week off from work, and man has it been challenging. I find it very hard to sit and do nothing, especially bc we are moving next week. I'm trying very hard to behave and not over do anything. I can't wait until we move next week. We have a bunch of people helping, so we will hopefully get unpacked in a hurry!

Next week we start 2x a week appointments. Oh and the c-section is scheduled for June 5th! Pray the boys behave and wait until they are scheduled to arrive! As always please pray for their health and the health of the pregnancy. Also please pray for an uneventful move next week!

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