Friday, February 24, 2012

20 weeks 4 days - Quick Update

We had a "quick" appointment today - only 45 mins!

The appointment was another doppler study, along with an amniotic fluid check and a cervical length check. My cervix is long and holding steady, so they are pleased about that. All three babies are moving around like crazy and tried to make it very difficult for the sonographer and doctor to get the measurements that they needed. Babies A and C are doing very well and everything looks normal. Baby B on the other hand is trying to be a problem child already. His umbilical artery doppler was coming up slightly abnormal, now they said not to be concerned, but I'm pregnant with identical triplets here, so of course I'm worried! They said the doppler for both his belly (ductus arteriosus) and his brain (MCA) are perfectly normal, his amniotic fluid level was normal, and his bladder was full which is normal. That all combined with his movement being normal they are not overly concerned because I am only 20 weeks 4 days and sometimes early on they can get an occasional strange reading. They said if more than one thing was abnormal that would be cause for concern, but for now they are just going to keep a close watch on it. So that means I have another doppler study and amniotic check next week.

Please pray that A and C continue to do well, and also pray that next week's scan shows that all is back to normal with Baby B. Also if you could please remember to pray for us during the next week I would appreciate it, even though the doctors reassured me, it is hard not to panic. For now I will try to remain focused on the fact that everything else was perfectly normal. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers!

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For...


For those of you who are living vicariously through us, and want to wait until the babies arrive to know whether they are boys or girls, do not read any further! Well, you can read further, just don't look at the pictures below...

We know there are a lot of people that have been waiting for us to reveal the triplets' gender. Thank you for your patience. You may now skip to the bottom of the page for the big reveal!

First things first, they are healthy and sharing well.  Babies A and C are 8 oz, and B is 7oz. The docs are not concerned with this difference, and all umbilical cords are functioning as they should. 

They performed the anatomy scan at this visit, and everyone has the parts they should. Heart beats are strong. A and C are a little lower, so we figured we have 2 distance runners and 1 sprinter. Jen wants to add that they were able to check arteries and ventricles in the brain... It's pretty crazy what they can see at 18 weeks. 

On the subject of 18 weeks, we are hopefully halfway through the pregnancy. They won't allow triplets to go passed 37 weeks, and we want to go as long as possible. Not that we don't want to see them, but at 36+ weeks NICU stays are not mandatory. 

Although the babies are measuring normal, Jen is still really struggling to gain weight. I have tried my best to shove (healthy) food in front of her, but the kids are taking so many calories that it's tough for her to eat enough. 

One other prayer request at the moment is that they are going to do cervix checks at our biweekly appointments. As of this week, no changes were noted! This will be one of the contributing factors when it comes to make a decision about bed rest.


Finally, just in case the pictures did not load properly, we bought BLUE balloons!