The boys are so much fun and have developed such unique little personalities. Daniel is our social butterfly, Ryder is our cautious "thinker", and Garrett is our daredevil!
I have no idea how much they weigh currently, I just know that they are heavy! They are all in their rear facing convertible car seats now because I could no longer manage 20 pound babies in an infant carrier! They love their seats and Maddy likes that she can pick which boy sits in the back with her. Ryder is finally tolerating the car, he just can't be in the middle seat; only took us 10+ months to figure it out!
We have our first word - "Uh Oh". Garrett loves saying it, but only when daddy isn't listening. Otherwise they all babble constantly and there are lots of mamas and dadas, but not typically directed at either of us yet.
Garrett is also the only one standing by himself, but he refuses to take any steps. Daniel and Ryder are starting to test the waters and let go every now and then, but they are still very cautious. I know that they will get it eventually, and actually I'm kind of ok because I'm not ready to be running it different directions! They are so quick when crawling and they work together!
The boys have been loving the nice weather we have had and they are outside much of the day with big sis. They are all so tired by the end of the day that they don't even make a peep when lying them down for bed!
We have a busy month coming up with lots of activity! We have the boys one year pictures (a little early); Dan is running a 1/2 marathon and I hope to be doing a 5K; Aunt Katherine is graduating from college; cousins Addison and Aiden turn 5!; and who knows what else will pop up!
Also, thanks to God having a perfect plan for our family... I was able to leave my outpatient job and switch solely to early intervention. I am so happy to be able to continue to work as a pediatric PT, but have more time at home for my kiddos!
Please pray for us to get through this next month without too many hurdles as I transition jobs and we look forward to the boys first birthday party!