Saturday, September 15, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

I know, I know I'm a few weeks behind... Can I use having triplets as an excuse?

The beach was wonderful!!! We went with good friends and our nanny graciously agreed to give up her long weekend and join us at the beach, which meant we had 7 adults for 7 kids.  6 of the 7 are 2 and under!  We stayed at our friend, Abbey's house, and it was beautiful and laid out perfectly for all the people we have.  She also has a 3 month old little boy, so it was fun to have all the boys together!

It was such a relaxed weekend.  We hung out on the beach during the days and just watched movies/college football in the afternoon and evenings.  We did get the opportunity to go out one evening after the kids were in bed, no we didn't leave them alone!  It had been awhile since Dan and I had grown up time with another couple.  Sad thing is we were all so tired that we were home by 11. Haha!

Maddy loved the ocean and played down by the water the whole time we were at the beach.  She and Joleigh dug a huge hole on the last day, and by huge I mean, I couldn't see her when she was down in it!  I am so happy that she is so comfortable in the ocean, because that's my favorite place to be!  I think I spent a couple hours in the water!

The boys were great and liked being on the beach because I'd let them sleep however they positioned themselves.  Garrett would wiggle to his side and almost to his belly and just pass out.  He loved it.  I think they liked the warmth of the sand.

Hanging out on the beach, no matter how far apart I put them they always wiggled back to one another.

AHHH QUADS!  It was pretty funny watching people count babies.
The "extra" little guy is a few weeks older than the trips.

Soaking wet, sandy, and eating some french fries; can't get much better!

Right hook to the face!  That's not very nice, Garrett!

My "Things" hanging out in the evening.
The whole clan before we left to come home.
The girls loved having real live baby dolls all weekend!

Our return trip home was long, but everyone was really good in the car.  And the best part was everyone was healthy and eating like champs!  I'm so glad we decided to head to the beach even though the kiddos were sick that week.  We needed the break!